Cosmetic Dentistry at Prestige Dental Group, Birmingham

Are you happy with how your teeth look? Research shows that a quarter of the population are unhappy with their smile. A beautiful smile can leave a lasting impression and plays a key role in confidence and self esteem. We can help reshape, lighten or repair teeth to give you the smile you have always wanted. With our cosmetic dentistry treatments our aim is to give you a beautiful, natural looking smile.

Smile Makeover

Your smile is often one of the first things that other people notice about you so it’s crucial that you are happy with the first impression your smile makes, whether it’s at a job interview or on a first date.

A smile makeover involves one or more cosmetic dental procedures to improve the aesthetics of your smile. It is a very individual process as it is dependent on what you want, but a makeover could range from a simple improvement, such as the replacement of silver fillings with more discreet white ones and teeth whitening, to teeth being straightened or missing teeth replaced.

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Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is a technique where resin is colour-matched, shaped and contoured onto your teeth to give the appearance of straighter, whiter smile.

It can be used as a cosmetic solution for chipped teeth, gapped teeth and hide staining on teeth. Unlike porcelain veneers, which require a reduction in tooth structure, composite bonding can be less invasive and completed in one visit.

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Composite Veneers

Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel.

Veneers can be used to reshape all kinds of deformations, including:

  • chipped

  • worn-down

  • cracked

  • crooked and misaligned teeth

The ceramic which forms the veneer can be made to look like tooth enamel, which means your new smile can be tailored to your cosmetic goals.

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A dental crown is an artificial tooth that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, in order to restore damaged or weak teeth or a very large filling. Sometimes referred to as a cap, a dental crown can also be used to replace old discoloured fillings or to hold a bridge or denture firmly in place.

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The Invisalign aligner system straightens teeth using a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are custom-made specifically for your teeth. As you replace each aligner approximately every week, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week, gradually moving towards the projected final position.

By using Invisalign clear aligners, achieving the smile you always dreamed of doesn’t have to be a big deal. The traditional route to correcting issues such as crooked teeth, gaps and crowded mouths has long been visible braces. However, the Invisalign system uses no brackets or wires - is it clear, removable and comfortable, so it won’t interfere with your appearance or your life.

We know that a straight smile often means a healthy smile. Not only will Invisalign clear dental aligners for adults straighten your teeth, they will also improve your overall dental health at the same time!

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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most effective and quickest ways to enhance your smile. Tooth discolouration can result from various factors including coffee, wine and smoking. Our non-surgical dental treatment is pain free and will leave you with beautiful teeth that are many shades whiter, whilst keeping them looking natural. Tooth whitening can be performed by a dentist or we can offer bespoke home whitening kits.

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Composite Restorations

Fillings are one of the most basic methods of restoring teeth. They do exactly what their name suggests - they fill a hole in the tooth that has been caused by decay, playing an important role in helping us to keep a tooth for many more years.

In the past fillings were always made from either gold or a silver-coloured alloy called amalgam. Both these materials are extremely durable and in some circumstances they are still the best choice available. But they both have one disadvantage – they do not match the natural white teeth in appearance.

We use the most effective, modern, tooth-coloured materials to enable you to have white fillings. Unlike the more traditional grey amalgam fillings, the tooth-coloured ones look very natural, so no-one will be able to tell you have them.

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Wearing dentures is no longer the ordeal it used to be. Modern techniques and materials mean they fit far better than in the past and they look far more realistic too. Whether you are missing a few, or many of your teeth, dentures could be the solution especially if on a limited budget. Replacing lost or missing teeth has substantial benefits for your health and appearance. A denture replaces the natural teeth and provides support for cheeks and lips. Without this support, sagging facial muscles can make a person appear older and reduce their ability to eat and speak.

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Dental Implants

At Prestige Dental Group, we never underestimate the emotional impact of losing teeth. Whether you've lost a single tooth or several, your confidence can take a real knock and the effects can be devastating. Using advanced dental implant technology, we can replace missing teeth, rejuvenate and enhance the aesthetics of your smile, and prevent bone deterioration.

Dental implants provide a long-lasting solution to missing teeth and they feel and work just like a real tooth.

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